For Healthcare Professionals

In this video (originally shown at the Nurse / AHP Primary Care Conference July 2024) we take you through a typical Memory Choir session.

YouTube player

(It is divided into chapters if watched on YouTube, enabling you to watch the parts that are of particular interest).

Research Reports
“Music has considerable potential to contribute to the care of people with dementia. Evidence suggests that it can have
cognitive, behavioural and psychosocial benefits, as well as an ability to improve the experience of carers”.
Using music interventions in the care of people with dementia

“Dance can be beneficial for people with Parkinson’s Disease in a number of different ways such as supporting posture, core stability, balance, weight-shifting and co-ordination. Engaging with music through, for example, keeping a rhythm, can also support co-ordination and control”.
Why dance and music can be beneficial for people living with Parkinson’s Disease